Iola Reads: Ranger in Time

Iola Reads: Ranger in Time

For our Fall 2024 Youth book selections we have chosen 3 books from Kate Messner’s Ranger in Time series:         Rescue on the Oregon Trail         Escape from the Great Earthquake         Night of Soldiers and Spies   This series is about Ranger, a golden...
Thank You! Friends

Thank You! Friends

Friends Fall Used Book Sale Thank you to all 185 shoppers who came by to buy books and Thank You to the Volunteers from the Friends who helped us set up the sale, work a shift or three, and to Mary Ann, Roger F., and Rohan for helping us box up the leftovers on...
Board Meeting September 3 due to Labor Day

Board Meeting September 3 due to Labor Day

At the Library Board meeting held Monday, August 5, the Board selected Tuesday, September 3 at 5:30 pm for the date and time of the next meeting. This change is due to the Labor Day holiday. More information about the Board is available on the About Us Page Board...
Friends meeting Monday, July 15 at 4 pm

Friends meeting Monday, July 15 at 4 pm

Are you a Friend of the Library? Join us on Monday, July 15 at 4 pm at the Flewharty-Powell Library Annex to hear about the library’s plans and dreams for this space. The Annex was gifted to the Library in 2009 by Nancy Flewharty for the use of the library. We...
Friends of the Library

Friends of the Library

As Treasurer for the Friends of the Iola Public Library, I invite you to Join the Friends or to renew your membership, if you’ve been a Friends in the past. Membership to the Friends gains you early access to the October used book sale and supports our overall...