Library Policies




For the actual policies, click the light blue icon on the right side of the toggle below for the policy that you would like to view.


Smile! We may take photos, videos, and record audio of people enjoying the library’s programs and events. These images may be used for publicity purposes in print and electronic media, or ultimately published on the Internet. If you do NOT wish your image to be published, please notify a staff member. See the full policy in Section 6. K. Photo Release


Free to all residents of Iola and most Kansas residents.  Identification showing current address is required.  A parent or guardian’s signature is required for minors.

Loan Periods

2 weeks for most items.  Exceptions are: 1 week: Videos, DVDs, Genealogy books


All materials may be renewed once unless someone has reserved the item.  You can renew materials at the library, online by logging into your account, over the telephone, or by email.

Fines, etc.

Equipment is $1.00 per day. No other fines are charged.

When items are lost or damaged to the extent they are no longer wanted in the collection, replacement cost is charged.

Other Policies

Those whose conduct is disruptive may have the privilege of using the library abridged or denied.

The library does not provide care or supervision of children.  Children under the age of seven (7) may not be left unattended.

The library strives to collect materials to meet the varying needs and tastes of individuals.  The materials selection policy provides a procedure for those objecting to the inclusion of particular items in the collection.

Iola Public​ Library

218 E. Madison
Iola, Kansas 66749

► Hours

Mon - Thur: 9:00 - 8:00
Fri & Sat: 9:00 - 5:00

Fax (620) 365-5137

► Phone

(620) 365-3262

Our Location

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