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DO YOU HAVE LIBBY? It's free. It's easy. If you have our library card, you can download the app, borrow a title, and read or listen on any of your devices. ... See MoreSee Less

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Here's what is happening in Youth Services in the month of APRIL!
April is Child Abuse Prevention month - CAP.
Show your support by wearing blue on April 4th.
Join us on April 9th for a CAP event. After storytime, children can plant their own flowers that they will take home and grow. After that, we will go outdoors and "plant" blue pinwheels to show our support of CAP.
Flowers, greenhouses, Spring fun and a Bear Hunt!
I hope to see you and your littles!
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TRACI BRIMHALL, KANSAS POET LAUREATE, will be here 7 p.m. Thursday, April 3, to celebrate National Poetry Month. Her topic is "Memory Feast". As poet laureate, her initiatives have centered on uniting the state's agricultural roots with the literary arts. She is currently working on a cookbook that combines poetry and recipes from across the state--she calls it "an anthology of nourishments". The recipes have come from all four corners of Kansas, she says, "from urban centers and small towns, from restaurants to farms to food trucks."
Brimhall has published five collections of poetry, most recently "Love Prodigal" (Copper Canyon Press, 2024). Her poems often marry the ordinary with the surreal. They have appeared in journals and magazines such as "The New Yorker", "Orion", "The New Republic", "Poetry", "The Nation", and "The New York Times Magazine".
Brimhall is a university distinguished professor of creative writing and narrative medicine at Kansas State University. Through fellowships with the National Endowment for the Arts, National Parks Service and Academy of American Poets she's taught writing workshops in farm schools, art museums, libraries, medical communities and outdoors. She's also received a Karnes Fellowship through Purdue Library's Special Collections to study the lost poem drafts of Amelia Earhart.
Watch a lecture she gave on writing last August by clicking the YouTube link below:
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MON. Chess Club with Josh, all ages and skill levels, 6:00, genealogy room. In Stitches adult crochet with Jen, 6-8:00, Flewharty.
TUES.-WED. No scheduled programs.
THURS. Adult craft night with Jen, 6:30, meeting room, painting flour-sack kitchen towels, pre-registered.
FRI. Old-Timers Talking, 2:00 with Colleen, meeting room; special guest Iola author Charlotte Lewis.
SAT. Extra Stitches, crochet help with Jen, 2-4:00, library lounge.
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WHAT'S IN A WORD? That's a topic of discussion for Old-Timers Talking, 2:00 Fri., March 28. There are different ways of saying things in different parts of the country, and, then again, you may not say it the same way you used to. Think about it. Karan Bailey, a rural Iola mystery writer who publishes as Charlotte Lewis, will be joining us. You should, too. This is a monthly chat group for Boomers and those slightly older. Bring a friend and come on over. -- Colleen Dobbins ... See MoreSee Less

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BE SURE TO CHECK THE YELLOW BASKET in the lobby while you're here. It's full of easy books for young readers. You may take some home for a donation paid inside, 50 cents is suggested. ... See MoreSee Less

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REGISTER BELOW, Mon. March 24 story, ages 4-7.Virtual Story Time | Monday, March 24 | 11am ET
Celebrate both Women's History Month and the anniversary of the planting of the first cherry trees at the Tidal Basin! We will read Eliza's Cherry Trees: Japan's Gift to America, by Andrea Zimmerman and illustrated by Ju-Hong Chen, which tells the story of how Eliza Scidmore worked tirelessly to realize her vision of bringing Japanese cherry blossoms to Washington, D.C.
Recommended for ages 4-7, but all are welcome. Registration required:
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COMMUNITY PUZZLE, COMING ALONG. But there's still a lot to do--lots of blue water in this tropical beach scene! Stop in and see what you can add. ... See MoreSee Less

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TIRED OF RECEIVING UNWANTED EMAILS over and over from the same source? Scroll to the bottom of the message and click on "unsubscribe". For more tips on using technology, see short videos,
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YOUTH CROCHET MEETS 6-7:00 tonight and every Thurs. in the library lounge, under guidance of Jen Tarter. Boys and girls, beginners and experienced needle crafters are welcome. Each chooses their own project. Henlee Hesse, a first-time crocheter who started last fall, is now on her way to completing a jellyfish. ... See MoreSee Less

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Iola Public Library
218 E. Madison
Iola, Kansas 66749
► Hours
Mon - Thur: 9:00 - 8:00
Fri & Sat: 9:00 - 5:00
Fax (620) 365-5137