Library News
Job Opportunity: Assistant Director
Exciting employment opportunity for a new Assistant Director position. Full job description available.
FRI. Old-Timers Talking, 2:00. Tech tips and problem-solving for 55+, with SEKLS tech consultant Darrin Dougherty, meeting room
SENIORS: PASSWORD PROBLEMS? SPAM? Stymied by your mobile phone? Join us Fri., Dec. 27 at 2:00 for Old-Timers Talking, the monthly chat group for seniors.
December Events
Check out all the amazing events at the library in December!
Propagation Station
Come visit our propagation station and take home some new plants.
Library Endowment and Giving Tuesday
Help grow the library by growing our Endowment Fund. Give between Nov. 15 and Dec. 15 and have your gift MATCHED!
So many new children’s books in today! Click the video to see some.
Miss Lesa shows off some of her new books!
1st Annual Flewharty Annex Art Fest, Sat. November 9, 10am-2pm
The Iola Public Library is so excited to host it’s 1st Annual Flewharty Annex Art Fest!
Youth Services November events
Flyer showing November youth service events.
Youth Event – Everyone Fits. Process art event.
Process art event for all children – everyone fits.
Iola Public Library
218 E. Madison
Iola, Kansas 66749
► Hours
Mon - Thur: 9:00 - 8:00
Fri & Sat: 9:00 - 5:00
Fax (620) 365-5137