Open Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
What Can We Help You Find?
Friends meeting, Jan. 14 at 4 pm
Join the Friends!
Job Opportunity: Assistant Director
Exciting employment opportunity for a new Assistant Director position. Full job description available.
FRI. Old-Timers Talking, 2:00. Tech tips and problem-solving for 55+, with SEKLS tech consultant Darrin Dougherty, meeting room
SENIORS: PASSWORD PROBLEMS? SPAM? Stymied by your mobile phone? Join us Fri., Dec. 27 at 2:00 for Old-Timers Talking, the monthly chat group for seniors.
Iola Public Library
218 E. Madison
Iola, Kansas 66749
► Hours
Mon - Thur: 9:00 - 8:00
Fri & Sat: 9:00 - 5:00
Fax (620) 365-5137